News between 2020 and 2025.
Last update: 12.02.2025
Good news from Varna. My exlibris' have been selected in the International Exlibris Competition Varna. The exhibition will be held at Largo Art Gallery between 6 June and 1 July 2025 in Bulgaria.
2025 → ARTICLE
My article on the development of vernacular typography in the world and in Turkey was published in February issue of Yazılar by the Turkish Graphic Designers' Association (GMK). It was previously published on the website of the Turkish Typography Society.
2024 → ARTICLE
My article on the sign painter Abdullah Cankurtaran’s life and work has been published. Cankurtaran worked as a teacher first in Lüleburgaz, then in Bursa and Fethiye, while also working as a sign painter, who stood out with his meticulous craftsmanship and passion for language and lettering.
Great news! The book Women Graphic Designers: Rebalancing the Canon, which includes our article co-authored with Ömer Durmaz on Gülümser Aral Üretmen, one of Turkey's pioneering women graphic designers, is now available for pre-order. The book, edited by Elizabeth Resnick, will be published in October 2025.
My posters for the exhibition ‘In Pieces’ and the 130th anniversary of Varvara Stepanova have been selected for the 16th Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design, which received more than 20,000 entries from 55 countries. The ‘Global Poster Language’ exhibition was held at the State Tretyakov Gallery between 5–25 September, 2024. The ‘Stepanova 130’ exhibition was held at the Peresvetov Pereulok Gallery in Moscow, Russia between September 26–October 24, 2024
My poster on corruption has been selected for the Luga Poster Biennale organised by the Polytechnic University of Porto. The exhibition was held between September 27–October 31, 2024 at the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design in Vila do Conde, Porto.
The 39th issue of Projector, published by HSE University in St. Petersburg since 2007 and edited by Mitya Kharshak, featured Turkish graphic designers, including myself. The magazine, which prepared in cooperation with Sabancı University, was launched on 13 September 2023 at Minerva Han in Karaköy, Istanbul.
A selection of photographs, taken by Ali Yıldırım and myself of sign painting in Sakarya, Turkey was published in the June issue of Manifold. As part of Ali's master thesis entitled 'Vernacular Typography in Visual Communication Design: The Case of Sakarya', which I supervised, he had photographed the sign paintings and created an online map showing the geographical location of sign paintings containing vernacular letterforms.
2023 → ARTICLE
In the Turkish city of Sakarya, the signature of sign painter Enver Yücebalkan can still be glimpsed on signs produced across his career of more than 50 years. In the third issue of BLAG (Better Letters Magazine), I wrote the story of a man whose work made a major visual impression on the city. Read the story.
I was in Eskişehir for a seminar and workshop in the 14th International Anatolian Calligraphy and Typography Event organised by the Graphic Arts Department of Anadolu University between 7 and 11 November 2022. In my seminar, I talked about the vernacular typography, my research to document sign painting in Turkey, and my findings related to sign painters in Bursa and Sakarya. In the workshop, we were made new letterings are carried out based on the vernacular letterforms on signs in Eskişehir, which were photographed by the participants.